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1 month ago
<view class="claims-detail">
<u-navbar title="理赔详情" titleStyle="{'font-weight':'500','font-size':'32rpx'}" height="108rpx"></u-navbar>
<view class="claims-body">
<view class="claims-top" v-if="type==1">
<view class="top-title" >
<image src="../../static/img/title-img1.png"></image>
<text> 验蟹师审核中</text>
<view class="card-tips">
<view class="card-info">
<view class="card-time">
2024.06.01 12:24
<view class="card-price">
<view class="claims-top" v-if="type==2">
<view class="top-title" >
<image src="../../static/img/title-img2.png"></image>
<text> 理赔完成</text>
<view class="card-tips">
<view class="card-info">
<view class="card-time">
2024.06.01 12:24
<view class="card-price">
<view class="claims-top disagree" v-if="type==3">
<view class="top-title" >
<image src="../../static/img/title-img3.png"></image>
<text> 验蟹师驳回</text>
<view class="card-tips">
未提交 3 只死蟹在一张照片中的合影
<view class="card-info">
<view class="card-time">
2024.06.01 12:24
<view class="card-price">
<view class="claims-process">
<view class="title">理赔进度</view>
<view class="body">
<!-- 验蟹师通过申请 -->
<view class="process-item" v-if="type==2">
<view class="process-title" >
<view :class="['process-title-circle',{act: process==3}]"></view>
<view :class="['process-title-text',{act: process==3}]">验蟹师通过申请</view>
<view class="process-line"></view>
<view class="process-text">
<view class="process-date">
2024-06-03 8:37
<!-- 验蟹师驳回申请 -->
<view class="process-item" v-if="type==3">
<view class="process-title" >
<view :class="['process-title-circle',{act: process==3}]"></view>
<view :class="['process-title-text',{act: process==3}]">验蟹师驳回申请</view>
<view class="process-line"></view>
<view class="process-text">
未提交 3 只死蟹在一张照片中的合影
<view class="process-date">
2024-06-03 8:37
<!-- 等待验蟹师处理 -->
<view class="process-item">
<view class="process-title">
<view :class="['process-title-circle',{act: process==2}]"></view>
<view :class="['process-title-text',{act: process==2}]">等待验蟹师处理</view>
<view class="process-line"></view>
<view class="process-text">
<view class="process-date">
2024-06-02 19:37
<!-- 理赔信息已提交 -->
<view class="process-item">
<view class="process-title">
<view :class="['process-title-circle',{act: process==1}]"></view>
<view :class="['process-title-text',{act: process==1}]">理赔信息已提交</view>
<view class="process-text">
2 公蟹
<view class="process-img-box">
<view class="img-item">
<image src=""></image>
<view class="img-item">
<image src=""></image>
<view class="img-item">
<image src=""></image>
<view class="process-date">
2024-06-01 12:24
<view class="claims-btn" v-if="type!=2">
<view class="btn-border" v-if="type==1">
<view class="left-btn" v-if="type==3">
<view class="right-btn" v-if="type==3"></view>
export default {
1 month ago
1 month ago
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background: #F3F4F5;
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// 理赔状态
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color: #FF2D46;
line-height: 67rpx;
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font-size: 24rpx;
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color: #FF2D46;
// 理赔进度
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width: 678rpx;
background: #FFFFFF;
border-radius: 16rpx;
padding: 24rpx;
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
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// 理赔进度标题
font-weight: 500;
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// 理赔进度内容
// 进度
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display: flex;
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